I took the SelectSmart Quiz which asks you for your political opinions and tells you which Presidential candidate matches your views. The program told me that I should vote for Al Sharpton. What are your results? Leave a comment.
Speaking of comments, I updated the look of the comment viewer window and changed the code around so it won’t be quite as slow.
Al Sharpton? Eh?I came up as Howard Dean. Interesting.
I took that Quiz and I came up as Howard Dean also.
I looked at the total percentages of results and the winner was Al Sharpton… Doesn’t seem to reflect the real poll results…
Well, see, the thing is, Al Sharpton probably has a lot of ideas that are in line with a lot of other people’s ideas. The problem is that he’s made such a spectacle out of himself that few people take him seriously, so he has no real chance of ever winning.
Yes, That is a very true observation.
My top match is Dennis Kucinich. The name sounds vaguely familiar. Then Sharpton, then Dean. Lieberman is my last choice.
I got too got Dean, then Sharpton.