More on the Arts in New Jersey

I received this email today. I’m posting it for others to take action, as well as a reminder for myself.

McCarter Patrons & Supporters – We Need Your Help Now to SAVE NJ Arts!

For the first time in NJ history, the Governor has prosposed eliminating all funding for arts and culture. All grant funding through the NJ State Council on the Arts, NJ Cultural Trust and NJ Historical Commission will be wiped out along with staff for these agencies beginning July 1. In addition to having a devastating impact on McCarter and the hundreds of arts organizations across the state, this decision is extremely short sighted economically; for the $18 million that the Arts Council distributes, the arts community contributes $1 billion back to the state?s economy.

WE NEED YOUR HELP! On behalf of McCarter and the other arts organizations across New Jersey, we urge you to make your voice heard. Contact your elected officials TODAY to let them know that this is unacceptable and that the loss of state cultural funding will have a devastating impact on New Jersey?s economy, our children?s education and our quality of life.

YOUR VOICE MATTERS. Legislators DO pay attention to letters from their constituents, and they pay attention to the volume of letters they receive. Please help us to convince the Governor and State Legislature to restore arts funding. It just takes a minute!

Here’s what to do:

1. Write or send an email to your State Legislators: ArtPride New Jersey has made it EXTREMELY easy to send your state legislators a message. It takes less than a minute using their automated email. From the home page, click on “Action” and then “EMail Legislators.” Select “All State” in the left frame to send to all representatives for your locality. Use the standard letter provided or customize your letter with any personal information you wish to add regarding the impact of the arts upon your community, family or personal life. Send the email and send a hard copy as well using the addresses provided.

2. Contact Governor McGreevey. Click on to email Governor McGreevey. Use the text provided in the ArtPride email or write a personal message. Sample text can be found on US Mail may be sent to Governor James E. McGreevey, PO Box 001, Trenton, NJ 08625-0001.

Please visit for more information on this issue and a complete listing of all legislators.

Arts funding currently represents less than 1/10 of 1% of the State Budget. The elimination of cultural funding saves little, but will be devasting to New Jersey’s cultural groups and the children who receive arts education programs.

McCarter thanks for your support – THE FUTURE OF THE ARTS IN NEW JERSEY DEPENDS UPON IT!

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