Comparing Bonus Sizes

My company was nice enough to offer me a pay bonus earlier. I received the bonus today. The government certainly takes a good chunk out of the “special payment.”

I’ve got a feeling that with all the overtime pay I get in addition to this bonus, I’m going to be shot into the next tax bracket. That might not be a good thing… I guess I’ll find out in a few months.

Last night I watched a few Buffy the Vampire Slayer episodes from Season 4. It’s amazing how much better the show was back then. Agree or disagree? (According to the official website, next week’s episode is described as a “comic free-for-all.”)

5 thoughts on “Comparing Bonus Sizes”

  1. yeah that’s the same as your school giving you some money to help pay off your school loans cause you’re a sucker and went into non-profit- and then 40% gets taken away for taxes! 40%!!!! argh.

  2. Well if I knew the government was taking my money for something education I’d feel a little better. But it’s probably going to end up helping support a war that’s going to cost us four billion dollars each month.

  3. You only get screwed on the front end on the one check. When it comes time to do your taxes, make sure you take that one pay stub into account, because you’ll get a good portion of it back. It’s just a matter of them taking taxes on an incorrect percentage because the one check is so high. It happened to Ali and I when she got her extra duty pay for the doing the play last year. We ended up getting a lot of it back at tax time.


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