There’s a pumpkin on my computer’s monitor. At work. I don’t mean that there’s a picture of a pumpkin being displayed on my monitor, I mean there’s a pumpkin sitting on top of my monitor.
It’s okay though, because I put it there. It’s just a little pumpkin.
Work has been less than intellectually stimulating lately. By lately I mean since I started. Why can’t I just get a job and be happy? Maybe if I were back teaching…
Over the weekend I worked at marching band state championships. Once again, it was great to be around these wonderful, intelligent, talented people. They always have job leads for me. I have to start paying attention and following up. The way I look at it, I think I’ve got what it takes to be a great high school teacher, and eventually, when I’ve got a bit of experience and possibly another degree, I could be a principal of some sort. I would be very good at that sort of thing.
In order to start teaching again, I’m going to need a car. I’m also going to have to find a way to afford the insurance.
You’re the cutiest of the Scoobies
With your lips as red as rubies
And your firm, yet supple… tight embrace.
I’m glad you like your pumpkin. I can help you get a Toyota if you want… it would be a decent price and you’d get free oil changes and cheap labor. Can’t do much about the insurance though..
Damn you for getting that song in my head! Grr.
I’m trying to figure out the Eminem connection….
It must be one of the brand new Eminem songs that I haven’t heard yet…
thanks for the inspiration — now *I* have a little pumpkin sitting on my monitor, too!