Vs lbh gbbx gur gvzr gb svther guvf bhg, V pbatenghyngr lbh,
jvfr fve be znqnz. Gur ceboyrz vf V whfg qvqag unir nalguvat
gb fnl gbqnl, fb V pnzr hc jvgu guvf vafgrnq. Qvq lbh xabj
gung gur bayl ebg13 flabalz vf “irk?” Jura rapbqrq, gur jbeq
vf “vex” juvpu zrnaf cerggl zhpu gur fnzr guvat.
Lbh zvtug guvax guvf vf Xyvatba, ohg guvax ntnva. Vg’f n fvzcyr
yrggre ebgngvba rapelcgvba fpurzr, hfrq va gur byq qnlf bs ernqvat
Hfrarg arjf. Nu gur tbbq byq qnlf.
Bapr ntnva, pbatenghyngvbaf sbe orvat fhpu n nfghgr sryybj naq
qrgrezvavat gur fbyhgvba gb guvf (engure fvzcyr) pvcure. Qba’g
lbh srry orggre xabjvat gung lbh ner fb fzeg?
Free cookies to the first person to translate the entry and post it here.
I’ve figured out two letters, but I think I just don’t have the patience for the rest of it.
Well, you could either figure it out the easy way or the hard way. Sounds like you started with the hard way. :>
Done. 🙂
Becca emailed me the solution. But I have more cookies, so I’m offering them to the second person who gets it right!
Oh, yeah. sure. Take away my moment of glory. Just remember, I was considerate enough to reply in private in order to let the fun continue for everyone else. 🙂 Well, in my case it was more a procrastination thing, actually.
My friend, the crypologist.
That was fun….. Cookies for me?
Bryan D got it. Darren says he did but he never emailed me. So… cookies for everyone!
No, really, I did! I even have the entire first paragraph written out here from when I translated it. I could show it to you and everything! You didn’t say that e-mailing you was a requirement. In fact, you said that we had to post the answer HERE, so, in fact, no one has won. 🙂
Then you should have posted it Darren so that you could say that technically, you were the winner. That’s what I would have done…had I bothered to figure it out.
Everyone around here is always so competitive. I guess I should expect that when I post a contest of sorts. Cookies for everyone. New contest/puzzle coming soon… as soon as I think of something else.
So, umm, is *somebody* going to post it for those of us who were too lazy to figure it out?
Not me. I stand alone as Mr. Uncompetitive. The Japanese can attack Pearl Harbor, for all the good my cryptology skills would do.
Hey, Bry. They already did. Where have you been the last 55 years?
I dunno. Becca started this whole NOT posting it thing. I wouldn’t want to break a trend.