Horoscope After A Good Weekend

An unexpected opportunity presented by a woman might cause an alteration in your present career plans, dear Pisces. This is likely to change your life as well as your career, so be sure you explore every avenue and learn as much as you possibly can before committing yourself in any way. For one thing, relocation – or at least a lot of travel – may be necessary. Weigh all your options carefully and objectively. However, change is still strongly indicated.

I am now in possession of three new pairs of shoes and a haircut that makes me look dead sexy.

Announcing: Halloween party, our house, Friday, November 1. You are all invited.

15 thoughts on “Horoscope After A Good Weekend”

  1. I just spent 5 minutes trying to figure out one holiday that M-D gets excited about and I can’t come up with one. The only special event that I’ve seen him really enjoy was Darren’s birthday. *shrug* Oh well, just as long as he excepts that fact that there will be decorating done for all major holidays.

  2. No, in all honesty I can’t say that there is a single holiday I get excited for. Growing up, I never really focused so much on holidays, except that they were days I didn’t have to go to school. I guess that just sort of carried over.

    Regarding Halloween, the primary reason Halloween and I don’t mix is that I always (and I do mean ALWAYS) got sick on or before Halloween as a kid, so I was never able to go trick or treating, or do all the “fun stuff” everyone else seems to enjoy. After a while, you just cease to care.

    (And, for the record, I’d say I was pretty game for 4th of July and Becca’s birthday this year…)

  3. When you cease to care, it means the terrorists have won. M-D, you’ll be missed at the party. JessaJune, come down Saturday night, we’ll have an additional party.

  4. If I may defend MD’s standpoint on the situation… I was never allowed to trick or treat when I was a kid and I have also “ceased to care” about Halloween. I may or may not attend a “Halloween party” for the social aspect of it, but as for Halloween itself… Ba Humbug!!!

    and Spike.. As for your horoscope reading? Um.. Use protection!!!

  5. Any holiday in which you are encouraged to dress up in funny clothing cannot possibly be stupid. 🙂 The candy is just a side benefit, to my mind.

    Spike — wow, I’m honored. Extended Halloween party! Maybe next year. 🙂


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