I saw the Signs and it opened up my eyes. I saw the Signs. No one’s gonna drag you up to get into the light where you belong.
It was a good movie. Not as good as The Sixth Sense or Unbreakable. It wasn’t as scary as other people have thought, but maybe I just don’t get scared by movies. I also didn’t find it as preachy as other people had warned. It was lots of fun, and I always like M. Night’s conclusions.
Now I remember why I locked the door this morning. You were in the shower and I had shut the door and then a little bit later, I noticed it was slightly open and I got scared so I shut it and locked it. I told you that the movie would scare me for weeks.
Ali found it really scary, too. I don’t get it. I mean, there were suspensful moments, and moments that made me jump a bit, but it wasn’t really the kind of thing that scared me. And I get scared of just about anything.
I found it scary, but that was mostly because I went into it very much in the mood to be scared. But I wasn’t traumatized by it after. Of course, I also saw it at a matinee. But corn? Very frightening.
I didn’t find it scary, so much as suspenseful. You could definately tell he was going for the Hitchcock feel and I think he achieved it for the most part though I felt that he made his own recipe by adding excellently timed humor. I was dissatisfied with the ending, but I thought it was better than Unbreakable but maybe not as good as Sixth Sense. I guess Sixth Sense was scary, Unbreakable was just kind of fun, and this was more suspenseful and funny at the same time. I love the scene with all three sitting there with aluminum foil on their heads. Maybe because someday I expect my friends back home to appear that way when I go back.