
If you’ve found this site, you may have noticed I moved the blog to a new home just down the street from the old home. Suddenly my pseudo-anonymity was exposed, and I’m not happy about it. I don’t really write here much any more, but I don’t want to lose the archives. This is despite the fact over the past few years I’ve had to go back and edit out personally identifyable words.

Nevertheless, they found me. I don’t know how, but they found me. Run for it, Marty!

Napkin For My Eye, Part 2

At least this time, it wasn’t poked. I woke up this morning with the feeling that some dust was in my eye. After an uncomfortable day in the office, I left early to go see what the doctor could tell me.

There was nothing in my eye. That is, nothing besides what’s supposed to be there; in this case, my eyeball. But it’s still annoying.

Someone at work told be there’s a Visine for that, so I picked some up over my lunch break, a break for a meal I did not have a chance to have. So now there is something in my eye: Visine. But no dust particles, according to the doctor. He says that perhaps there was something in there before but it’s gone now.

Maybe I’ll wear a patch tomorrow. It’ll be very soap-opera-like.

Let’s Go Mets…

I got the call yesterday to attend last night’s Mets game. The ticket was originally intended for Amy’s father, but he wasn’t feeling well. I’m glad I got to go because it was a very good game and the game I do have tickets for, Monday’s 5th NLDS game, may not be played.

I didn’t get home until 2:00 am. It’s been a while since I’ve been used to getting home very late on a night where I’d need to be at work the next morning.

It’s Hard Work, But Fun and Worthwhile

I ran a marching band competition this past weekend, the first of the year for me. It’s always wonderful to see these shows come off well. As a bonus, I got decent exercise by running around all day.

I got to see some of my old students back from when I was teaching. This year’s seniors were freshmen when I was teaching them, and I haven’t seen them in a while. I’m surprised they still remember me, but it’s nice to have a whole bunch of kids screaming your name. I should have been a rock star.