I’m Done

Stick a fork in me, I’ve finished all classes for my Master’s degree. All that’s left is getting my grades for the final course, getting reimbursed for the last three courses, and obtaining the actual parchment.

Mickey Unavailable for Comment

Astronomers decided to demote Pluto from a planet to a “dwarf planet.” Dwarf planets are not planets. Like the the beginning of the twentieth century, there are now eight known planets in the solar system.

The decision might eventually be overturned by the community, but for now, Pluto is just one of many similar objects in its area.

Singing to Dead People

I just realized that two of my favorite Ben Folds songs includes lyrics seemingly being sung to dead people. There’s something about communicated with the dead that makes for good entertainment. Observe:

Boxing’s been good to me, Howard [Cosell]…

Elliott [Smith], man, you played a fine guitar…

Windows XP Reboot Nagging

If Windows XP Professional is bugging you to reboot after an automatic update download, clicking “later” only gives you ten minutes before you’re bugged again. Here’s how to stop the nagging, and the solution is not to turn automatic updates off; it’s all ready too late for that. If you have Windows XP Home Edition, you’ll have to follow these instructions instead.

Things I Didn’t Particularly Want to Know

Apparently, my boss can fit her entire fist in her mouth. She showed us. Ah… going out to lunch is more interesting now than it was in my previous job. Also, she gets emotional after a few glasses of wine.

Everything is an adventure.

The Other Advertising Extreme

I love seeing this commercial on CNN while eating my lunch in the cafeteria. It’s so straightforward. All advertising should be like this. Of course, the commercial informs not what the product does, only where the users should stick it.