Amy’s New Apartment and Bruised Butts

I helped Amy start setting up her new apartment this weekend. Her place was larger than I thought it would be, and her landlady seems friendly.

Here’s a tip. If you’re moving furniture and kitchen supplies and the ground outside is wet, make sure you’re wearing sneakers with incredible traction and the steps leading down to the apartment aren’t slick.

Reduced friction between feet and the steps can result in a bruised butt. Yes, I write from experience.

If the photograph shows anything, it shows my phone takes horrible photographs, especially when there is no sunlight. Also, I’m not particularly a fan of flickr. Sorry, folks.

So Amy has her own place now, and I haven’t decided whether to move out or not. Moving for the sake of moving isn’t worth it — the process is such a pain. My noisy neighbors once living downstairs seem to have vacated, so maybe I’ll take my chances by staying. It would be better to have a washer and dryer inside my apartment, but maybe I can survive a little while longer.

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