It’s officially summer. Therefore, it is hot. I know this because my computer has begun acting the way it does when it’s hot. Although my box is well ventilated, hot weather causes my desktop CPU to spontaneously reboot (or get the BSOD, depending on my settings). Coupled with the fact that my notebook computer is eleventy years old, that is to say I purchased it generations ago on or around October 16, 2001, it may be time to upgrade my equipment.
My former coworker tipped me off to the fact the prices on the next-to-latest generation AMD chips are going to drop by the end of the month. Yeah, he’s got inside connections… or a lot of techie friends.
But I have to sort out my apartment situation first. After skimming the craigslist listings, I wrote to a guy who’s advertising a place in Sayreville. It’s a good price, but there weren’t many details. We shall see.
I always see really cheap computers on Tiger Direct. You should check it out.
good luck on the hunt. i’m pretty sure i found our last place in woodbridge on i also may still have our notes when we were hunting….. if you need it.
grandpa lives in sayerville. its a VERY grandpa kinda place.