Every once in a while, the layout of this blog changes back to the default WordPress layout. That’s annoying. One of these days I’ll look into fixing it.
So if you read Amy’s blog you might have noticed that the plan is no longer to live together. So there’s that. My question now is whether to continue to live here or move closer to the job.
Speaking of my job, it’s going quite well. It’s a nice change from my previous one, and the work is somewhat interesting. I don’t have to work ridiculous hours, which is taking getting used to. If I’m still in the office at 6:00 pm, people (who have shifted schedules so it’s normal for them to be there late) look confused.
Thankfully — very, very thankfully — I am set to finish my master’s degree in August. The whole online degree has been a mixed bag. I just want to be finished with it. I’ll probably wait a month before deciding on what courses I’d like to take after that. After finishing an MBA, I think I might want to switch gears and take an art course.
I say move. Either closer to your job or just another joint. You seem unhappy in your current digs so why not make a move to something more fabulous. Fabulous is good. Washer / Dryer in unit?? Eh?? Yeah, see?
We’ll see. Money’s an issue.
Just be careful about moving closer to the job at the expense of moving too far away from the rest of your life. It’s nice to have a short commute to work, but having a long commute to your friends can sometimes be worse.
well you know i agree with darren’s statement…. 🙂
(coming from the girl with the longest commute)
i agree with darren too – and this is coming from the girl who’s closest friends are over an hour away.
I agree with Darren, too. And really, I’m too far away to have anything but a neutral opinion here.
I agree with me. I’m not saying move to the most expensive place on earth. You just don’t like your current place so there’s no harm in moving somewhere you’d be a little happier. Maybe there’s a half way point, or if you like your current area, just upgrade. Hey, I’m managing to live and I’m not loaded.