
My electricity went out (as did at minimum the power for my neighboring apartments, street lamps, and possibly traffic lights as I heard police cars from that general direction) last night at around 10:30pm. I decided I might as well go to sleep. I was jolted from bed about an hour later when a couple of lights I left on regained power — I left them switched on so I’d know when power returned.

I got up, checked my email one last time, and went back to sleep. Speaking of sleep, my new bed is the greatest thing I’ve ever known. Since buying the new bed, I’ve been sleeping wonderfully. It is a little wide when I’m in it alone, though.


Funny, I thought I posted this here all ready.

I have an appointment this Friday to have my wisdom teeth extracted. People have been kindly sharing their scary pain stories, so I can’t say I’m looking forward to the event. At least I’ll be taken care of well with Jell-O, soup and other foods not requiring mastication. Somehow, I thought scheduling the surgery the day before I’m traveling to Baltimore would be a good idea. Actually, I didn’t have many options open — it had to be a day when someone was free to drive me. Yes, they’re going to make sure I’m completely drugged through the whole thing.

Finally Done With Band Competitions

My fall season has ended, and I bet I know at least one person who’s happy about that…

I saw the new Steve Martin movie, Shop Girl today. It wasn’t my favorite Steve Martin movie, and it put me in the mood to watch ¡Three Amigos! More importantly, we saw the trailer for The Producers. I wish I had seen that on Broadway with the original cast… or any cast, for that matter.


Something frightens me when I look at the visitor statistics for this website and I notice that someone has been visiting from the Executive Office of the President. (Actually, apparently the latest governmental visitor was from FEMA.) I’m glad they’re not too preoccupied with national emergencies so they have time to browse my website.