
Funny, I thought I posted this here all ready.

I have an appointment this Friday to have my wisdom teeth extracted. People have been kindly sharing their scary pain stories, so I can’t say I’m looking forward to the event. At least I’ll be taken care of well with Jell-O, soup and other foods not requiring mastication. Somehow, I thought scheduling the surgery the day before I’m traveling to Baltimore would be a good idea. Actually, I didn’t have many options open — it had to be a day when someone was free to drive me. Yes, they’re going to make sure I’m completely drugged through the whole thing.

8 thoughts on “Confluence”

  1. my one recommendation – gargle with the salt water asap. i waited for a few days, and once i started, i wished i hadn’t waited. and, warm salt water is much, much better than cold salt water.

  2. Well, then I’ll share my not-scary story. I had no problems with my wisdom teeth coming out. Now, mind you that mine were not impacted, but still…I was in and out of the office very quickly, was a little loopy for the rest of the day, but felt fine by the next day. So maybe it won’t be so bad!

  3. My story is like Darren’s–I had absolutely no problems. I was zonked the day I had them out, ate pizza the next day, and a hamburger the day after that. Minimal pain, no bruising.

  4. I had all four of mine out when I was 15 and was awake (but numb) the whole time. The surgery was fine, but once the drugs wore off…ouch. Just make sure you’ve got some good pain killers handy. Aside from that I hardly remember any issues.

  5. Yeah mine were still living under my jaw so I had to get bone sawed and shit. So I was pretty unhappy. I remember pain, which yeah is tolerable when taking medicine, but I also remember bleeding. A Lot. But that might just be my deal since I had, y’know, a jigsaw in my mouth :).

    Also broccli cheese soup from panera if you like it. Mmmmm broccli cheese soup.


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