Exciting Times, Exiting Times?

There’s quite a lot going on with me at the moment, and I hope to have something to talk more about it in a couple of weeks. In the mean time, my weekends have been mostly spent working at marching band competitions. Music people are good people. I think I’ve had at least two offers from music teachers who’d like me to help out with their marching band programs next fall… that’s something to think about.

It would be nice to be more involved with the students than just running these shows as I’ve been doing this fall. But I think it’s better off for me as not a full-time thing.

If you get a chance, check out WXPN’s 885 All-Time Greatest Albums.

Two Important Things

Two important things resulted this past weekend:

1. I have a new, doublepluscomfortable bed. I should be in it right now, but it’s currently empty so my motivation is a little lower than what I would prefer.
2. I have an appointment in November for extraction of my third molars (wisdom teeth). I can’t wait to be unable to remember the surgical event due to copious opiates or whatever drugs they’ll put in my body to ensure a smooth and painless non-experience.

About An Hour

I think I wasted about an hour. I was looking for something hidden in the cavernous depths of my various hard drives, and I came across my Trillian logs from the past three and a half years. Weird stuff was going on in my life, that’s for sure.