Looking Forward

Thanks to everyone who expressed concern about my eye. It seems to be healing quickly with the help of prescription goop. Who knew? At least I didn’t have to wear a patch or anything silly like that.

Now I’m looking forward to next weekend and its vacation to Williamsburg, Virginia. Amy and I will be touring Colonial Williamsburg, visiting some haunted houses thanks to some tips from Doobie, going to Busch Gardens, and experiencing many other fun things as we come across them. (If anyone’s familiar with the town, feel free to leave more suggestions.)

More good stuff: I cashed in my gift certificates that I received last year from my boss-type person and picked up Feist, The Mars Volta, Ben Folds and Paul Anka. All good, good stuff.

10 thoughts on “Looking Forward”

  1. I know it sounds weird to include Payl Anka, but his new Rock Swings album is all covers of songs like Wonderwall, Blackhole Sun, Jump, and Smells Like Teen Spirit, in “lounge singer” mode. Fun stuff.

    The first time I heard something from the album, it was Wonderwall, and for a second I thought that Oasis had covered an old song and I never realized it. Then I learned it was from this album.

  2. Have fun in Williamsburg! And good luck in the heat. Blech. It’s supposed to be slightly cooler this weekend, so hopefully that’ll help a bit. And definitely go on a ghost tour while you’re there.

  3. Thanks Barb — we’re actually going next weekend, which will undoubtedly be the hottest weekend of the year (because that’s just how things work). And Doob, Anka is certainly not the first to genrejumble, but he probably is one of the best.

  4. Yes! The Mars Volta RULES! Which album did you get? Thats who we were listening to in the car when we went from Heights to Scary Diner.

  5. enjoy! and i wouldn’t be too worried about it being really hot. busch gardens has some really fun water rides to keep you cool. 🙂 and you gotta do the maze in williamsburg (if it’s still there that is). it’s fun. and i’m really glad that your eye is going to be a-ok, although goo for the eye doesn’t sound like too much fun…


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