
It’s finally starting to get nice outside. Today it was 74 degrees and the forecast tomorrow is similar. Unfortunately, I haven’t had much chance to enjoy it so far. Leaving work at 6:00 pm tonight seemed like a gift, but when working in the office for ten hours feels like going home early, there’s a problem. Most of the time I’ve been staying much later.

You see, I work with two other people in our tiny department, so the three of us share a manager. My two co-workers both quit in the last few days, due, for the most part, to the manager. They gave their two weeks’ notice and have no interest or desire to get work done, even though they know they’re making things harder on me.

I won’t talk much more about work, but it’s going to be an interesting two weeks. Luckilly, I’ll be leaving for California next Friday for a week of relaxation and family time in Joshua Tree. Apparently there’s a Swedish massage waiting for me — one of those professional ones. It’s the perfect prescription for the stress in my life right now.

I’ll come home in time for Passover with the other side of the family.

Should You Be Happy?

I saw this advice somewhere. If happiness is one of your goals, consider getting to the point where you can agree with each of these statements. They are the Four Parameters of Happiness, if you need a name for it.

* There is no place you’d rather be.
* There is no other work you’d rather be doing.
* There are no other people you’d rather be around.
* There is no person you would rather be.

Think about it. Are you there?

Passing On The Passing On

A few hours ago, a great man passed away. This man was the spiritual and religious leader for millions of people throughout the world. Soon, a successor will be chosen from the great man’s fellowship.

I am talking obviously of Mr. Frank Perdue, who modernized and popularized the chicken industry. May he breast in peace, b’gok.

Also: Article on kuro5hin about remembering the BBS scene, circa 10+ years ago, through