A few hours ago, a great man passed away. This man was the spiritual and religious leader for millions of people throughout the world. Soon, a successor will be chosen from the great man’s fellowship.
I am talking obviously of Mr. Frank Perdue, who modernized and popularized the chicken industry. May he breast in peace, b’gok.
Also: Article on kuro5hin about remembering the BBS scene, circa 10+ years ago, through textfiles.com.
It took a tough man to make a tender chicken.
The funeral will be held on Wednesday, followed by a 21-“Oven Stuffer Roaster” pop-up timer salute.
It’s funny, cause just this afternoon I commented to some people that the Pope’s death was going to overshadow the important passing of Frank Perdue.
Shut up! I had no idea! And the only reason I even knew about the popes death was cuz we had a bet going on. I win free lunch. I’m also prolly going to hell. But on a full stomach. Oh man, I actually had an offical Perdue chicken leg shaped pillow. I wonder where that thing is, it’s awesome!