Once again, I helped put together the annual St. Patrick’s Day event for my company. This year, instead of 200 or 300 people, there were 600 or 700. It was a little bit crazy. The New York City mayor and New York governor stopped by to make appearances. The place was swarming with media.
My main responsibility was dealing with the entertainment. We had several good Irish bands, an Irish tenor, and a high school marching band (it’s good I still have connections in that world).
Unfortunately, when I got back to the hotel, I got my first birthday present: a headache at 2:30 am that still hasn’t gone away. That wasn’t the worst of it; something was definitely going on inside me that didn’t make my stomach so happy. Yes, that’s right, I’m blogging about getting sick. This is not exactly how I planned to begin my thirtieth year on the planet.
Now that I’m in the office, at least I have access to some Advil. Maybe this headache will go away and I’ll be able to drive home.
The good news is it’s snowing lightly and it looks kind of nice. Well it’s as nice as downtown Newark can look, which I suppose isn’t very. It’s all relative.
Birthday Archives: 29 in 2005, 28 in 2004, 27 in 2003, 26 in 2002, 25 in 2001, 24 in 2000. My archives go back farther but apparently my birthdays don’t.
Update: Wow, the Advil certainly worked fast. I’ve had the headache for eight hours, but one half hour after taking two pills, it’s completely gone.
Wait…where WAS I in 2000?