I Love This Place

I’m not talking about McDonalds. Some chick and I had dinner tonight at the Best. Restaurant. Ever. as I mentioned previously. Yeah, it’s a little pricey compared to the places we usually eat, but I think the expenditure is allowable once every few years. It’s too bad that more people didn’t think so. But I’m not complaining, I’m sated — satisfied to excess, even.

After dinner we drove around a little bit in the town of Red Bank (I). Some of the sights included Jay and Silent Bob’s Secret Stash, the Quick Stop, and RST Video.

On the way home, I heard a song on 88.5 XPN‘s Blues Show with Jonny Meister. I don’t know the name of the song or artist, but it gave me an idea for a play or movie script. Nothing will come of that, of course, but it struck me as something that would work.

Back to the restaurant, there were some new choices on the menu. We chose the Mojo (MO-HO) broth for the entree, which I didn’t recognize from the last time I visited. There was also a new chocolate dessert. It is called “Girl Scout Cookie” or something similar, and it contains mint and Oreo®. It was most excellent.

7 thoughts on “I Love This Place”

  1. Apparently you missed the most exciting place in Red Bank, the house my dad grew up in. I figure it must be a hot spot, as my dad dragged us there every single time we were anywhere near it.

    Glad the Melting Pot rocked…I need to go back there.

  2. Not to be pedantic (but I gotta be me)…”I Love This Place” was actually the slogan for Burger King in the early-mid 90’s, otherwise known as the “Dan Cortese Period of Shame”. McDonalds’ slogan, of course, is “Sieg Heil”.

  3. Burger King, hm? Yeah I did a quick Google search before writing the post to verify that the slogan was in fact from McDonalds, but I couldn’t find anything. I didn’t realize it was so old.


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