The flight would have been $300 or so and the hotel stay $625. There would also be a large amount of spending while in Texas. Thus, I cancelled my plans and reservations for SxSW. Maybe I’ll manage to get down there next year. If the Austin Hilton was sold out up until now, anyone looking for a room there can now find one.
I do need to get away from here again, and I requested time off for the middle of April. I’m going to be away for the week leading up to Passover, but I should be back in time for the holiday.
I’m looking forward to my birthday this year, only because I’m determined to make it to my favorite restaurant (The Melting Pot) for the first time in many years. They have a location in Red Bank, New Jersey now, too. Sure, it’s more expensive than Fridays (warning: obnoxious music plays automatically without a shut-off option) but it’s worth it, especially if I go only once every few years.
I haven’t had sushi in a while, either.
🙁 Sorry we won’t get to see you.
Meh…hopefully I’ll get up there before too long and we can hang out.
I hope to see the dfw contingent again soon. Oh, to be able to travel more…