On Spam

When I bought my first domain name back in December 1999, I didn’t know that using my email address on websites would make me more vulnerable to spam. A little more than five years later, I still get junk email sent to email addresses at that domain that have been removed from the web.

I filter most of it out, but sometimes things aren’t caught. Also, every once in a while I go through what has been marked as spam just to make sure the spam blocker didn’t miscategorize something and I missed an important email from someone who doesn’t know my spam-free email address.

I get all the usual spam. They want to sell me Viagra or Cialis or both. They want to show me their webcam. They want me to sign up for a cruise. They want to confirm my application. They want to verify my PayPal password. Chances are, they want to do all those things for you as well.

Now I’m getting emails from someone who wants to increase the volume of my ejaculation. My thought is that it is already loud enough. Do I really want my neighbors to hear? Besides, mine goes to eleven.

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