I was browsing craigslist the other day, idly — and not seriously — searching for the things one typically looks for on that wonderful website: apartments, women, and jobs. I came across a number of ads looking for people to audition for the filming of pilots for new television programs. I miss acting, of which I did a fair amount in high school (now more than ten years ago), so I figured I’d sign up and see what happens.
Apparently they want headshots from those interested in auditioning. I figure that’s a standard practice. I can read lines well enough, but I’m sure I don’t have “the look” you need for television acting. Maybe I’ll be prepared by the next time pilot filming season comes around, whenever that is. The way I see it, this is something that could be fun to try, as long as I have no expectations. I always get a kick out of reading lines with other people, especially when they’re good and we play off each other well.
In that vein: the death of a playwright. Arthur Miller passed away. You may remember him from such plays as The Crucible and Death of a Salesman.
Back to the topic of “fun to try with no expectations,” I’m taking the LSAT tomorrow. I don’t think I’ll be going to law school, but if I take the test I’ll be able to at least have the door open in case I decide I do want to torture myself for three years or so. I’ve been trying to take pratice tests at night after I arrive home from work and finish any assignments for mt class, but this week has been a very busy one. I’ve been able to take only one full practice test so far. With some sleep tonight I should be able to tackle the test tomorrow morning.
Someone wants to interview me about another blog for a magazine.
I’m still looking for more people to participate at the Mix CD Exchange. If you haven’t been there lately, you may notice some updates. We’ve got fun new features like discussion forums and comments as well as some new mixes that have been added lately.
Hmmm…I seem to remember encouraging a certain evil Bender to begin that website. Hmmmm…. 😛
I’m actually working on another mix, but I haven’t gotten motivated to look at the songs that aren’t already on my computer.