South By Southwest

I talked to Jessa tonight and I think she might have convinced me to go to Austin at the same time as the South by Southwest Festivals and Conferences. The conference itself is mighty expensive, but the word on the street is it’s good to go just to be in town while the conference is going on, even if you don’t get to go to the sessions.

I’d really like to do the sessions however, but I don’t think my job will pay for me, and I know I can’t afford it.

In any case, here are some questions for my readers. What can be done in Austin during the week of the festival without going to the conference? Where do people stay? Anyone from “here” want to go?

California Dreamin’


This is why sometimes I wish I were somewhere else. I’m not a fan of the feels-like-single-digit-degree weather. We’re supposed to get some snow today. I like snow; I like it when I choose when I see it, not when it is forced upon me.

I Miss Them

The band I taught earlier this year has been given the distinct honor of representing our state and performing in this year inaugural parade. Tonight there was a ceremony and performance relating to this honor, sort of a send-off. I went.

I miss them. They’re the greatest bunch of people I’ve ever known. I thought they might not remember me, but they miss me, too.

I’ll be spending the next few hours writing my “self-assessment” for work, on which my bonus and raise will be partially based. Fun.

Mary Fahl Concert

The Mary Fahl concert last night was very nice. Kate Gaffney was Mary’s opener, and she was very good as well.

I got to spend some time with some of Jen‘s nice friends and we discovered a very creative way to get from Darren‘s house to Bryn Mawr.

Interestingly, when I first listened to Mary Fahl’s album (yesterday), I went immediately to the last track on the CD. I misread The Dawning of the Day (which was apparently featured in some film) as The Dimming of the Day. The Dimming of the Day is a beautiful song by Richard Thompson that has been covered by many people. I was quite surprised when the track started playing and I didn’t hear the song I anticipated. Now that I had realized I misread the title on the CD cover, there was no reason for me to assume Mary would sing the Richard Thompson song.

I was doubly surprised at the concert when Mary opened with Richard Thompson’s The Dimming of the Day.


My power went out in the wee hours of the morning, and without a back-up alarm not powered by batteries, I was late to work. Damn. It’s self-assessment and annual review time, too.

I’m feeling much better now. I was planning on meeting someone in the city tonight, but I haven’t heard from her and with the weather so bad, I’m not so sure that will be happening. I have no way of getting in touch with her, so it’s up to her to call.

Update: She called and we’re set.

Pink Floyd and Doctor Who Mash-Up

It’s well known among Pink Floyd fans that the band sometimes hid music from Doctor Who in their songs. Well, I’ve taken that to the next step in the tradition of mash-ups. For your listening pleasure, I present a mash-up between Pink Floyd’s Sheep from their album Animals and the original Doctor Who theme. You can download it from Fiveandtwenty Torrents. It’s a long song, so you’ll have to listen through all of it.

Still Stuffed Up

My dentist appointment went well. No cavities. I’m going to make an appointment soon to have my wisdom teeth taken out. I’ve talked about that here before. It’s not painful now. I’m aiming for late spring for the extraction.

I got tons of sleep last night and woke up quite stuffed up… I am feeling better now, though, even though I did go into work after the dentist appointment.

Hope everyone’s having a good day.