Article About Pop Music and Lip Synching

In Salon (get the day pass and click through the ad to read the full article), there’s a nice article about pop music and lip synching and giving credit where credit is due. Here’s a quote:

Ashlee, Britney, Christina, etc. are not artists, they are just faces being used to sell these products, these songs. The products can be good (Ashlee’s “Pieces of Me,” Christina’s “Beautiful”) or even great (Britney’s “Toxic”), but the “artists” have very little to do with how they turn out. Any scorn or appreciation you feel for them should rightfully be distributed among the teams of producers, songwriters and managers who have steered these women to stardom.

1 thought on “Article About Pop Music and Lip Synching”

  1. I think it’s interesting, because really, my hatred for these “artists” does not stem from how bad their performances are (well, partially) but more from their attitude that they are, in fact, artists. Their insistence that they should be important because of their “talent” is what infuriates me.


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