I didn’t get home from work until after midnight the other night, but at least I’m getting paid overtime. That’s all I’ll say about the job for now.
I don’t really have much to say at all. I was kind of hoping I’d get more participation on the Mix CD Exchange. I know I’ve still got to get to programming things like message boards, but I still think what’s there is pretty neat and worthy of people coming to the site. I just don’t have time to get the word out. I know there are thousands of people who enjoy putting Mix CDs together. Where are they?
I’m just thinking in type here. If you’ve got ideas on how to get things moving, just do it. (Instead of writing a comment starting with “You should,” step up (especially if you’ve already said you’d help :> ). I could use the assistance.)
I know I’m not participating because I rarely think in terms of themes like that. And am too lazy to look for songs, etc. And then I look at the mixes listed and the variety of music and feel slightly inadequate. Now, if the themes were, say, “Beatles” and “Showtunes,” I’d be all over them.
Well, one person has already included a Mix with a theme of “Alternative Rock.” I see no problem with “genre mixes” … the more music the better. Of course “Beatles” isn’t exactly a genre and having all songs by the same artist kind of defeats the purpose of a Mix, even if they do have 200 songs from which to choose.