It’s nice to be home from work early. I should probably do something with this time, such as clean my apartment.
Month: December 2004
It’s Winter
It’s the start of a new season, so I’ve rolled over to a new featured mix theme on the Mix CD Exchange. I’ve also named a prize for the mix voted the best in the featured theme as of March 31, 2005. Take a look…
Weekend Review
I had a great time in D.C. with Barb, Carrie, Becca, Steve and everyone who was there on Saturday. Barb and I rocked 90s Trivial Pursuit.
On Sunday, I drove back to central Jersey to have a holiday party with the local crew at Michelle‘s. There was much gifty goodness. Thanks for all the stuff! And thanks to Michelle for hosting… as well as to Barb and Carrie for hosting the D.C. party and for allowing me to stay at their apartment.
Next on the list: Half day off on Thursday and full day off on Friday. Also, I moved to a new desk at work, and I need to decorate and personalize the area. Any suggestions?
Job Hunting
Dilbert‘s a little last-week, but I liked this one:
Weekend Plans
Now that I’ve finished all of my holiday shopping, I’m heading to the Washington, D.C. area tonight… going to see some folks down there. On Sunday I’ll make my way back up here are see some folks up here. Maybe I’ll even get some laundry done.
Note to self: never again live in a place without a washer and dryer. Doing laundry without the machinery nearby is very inconvenient. I hope everyone has a great weekend and gets their laundry done as well.
This Jewish boy will have a good Christmas… the paycheck I receive right before the holiday will have quite a bit of overtime in it. That’ll help pay for all the goodies I bought for people in the last few days. Woo…
By The Way
In case you’re wondering, pollo in Italian isn’t pronounced the same way as pollo in Spanish… In Spanish the double-l is pronounced like a y, while in Italian it’s pronounced like a double-l, as written. I don’t know why people continue to try to convince me otherwise.
South by Southwest
I’d really like to attend the South by Southwest Festival in March. I’m interested in all three parts of the festival: interactive, music and film. It’s just a little out of my price range. I’ll give it some thought…
Wonderful Time
It’s a quarter to midnight and I’m still at work. At least there’s a hotel room in my near future.
Digital Wealth of Knowledge
Google is undertaking a project that will allow people to search the text of books and special collections in top libraries from around the world. The state of the world isn’t so bad, after all.