A Perfect Device

This device could be perfect for me. I figure it may be true that “sometimes” I “might” “leave” dirty laundry on the floor of my bedroom. This could be the perfect solution for me. All I would need in addition would be a washer and dryer.

How Nice

How nice of Rupert to leave me multiple presents throughout the carpet. There’s nothing I wanted to do at 3:00am more than to clean yucky stuff. It’s good to come home to love.

Disappearing Act

Ever since I bought this car on June 1, I’ve been watching my money disappear. I can’t even bear to open up Microsoft Money to enter in my expenses and check my balances these days. I suppose it’s better that I can actually get around now, but I traded a lot of financial security for that ability. Getting a slightly used car would’t have made that much difference, since the new one was pretty inexpensive as far as cars go.