6 thoughts on “CD Mix Exchange”

  1. There was nowhere to post it on the website, but I would also add that Mundane Activities, at least the way I’m doing it, is basically anything that is not an extraordinary, exciting activity. Things like fishing, driving, etc. Anything that you would probably consider boring or ordinary if there weren’t a song about it. 🙂

  2. I just had another thought regarding posting the songs. I could see posting a list of songs, but if you upload the actual songs to the site, isn’t that the same as file-sharing and isn’t that, once again, illegal?

  3. You’re always trying to rain on the parade. Here’s an article from the New York Times that explains that sharing mixes online is just as illegal as sharing a mix with your friends. Summary: may or may not be considered “fair use” if all the music you submit was legally purchased, and it’s never been tested in court and will probably never be.You don’t have to play if you don’t want to, but if you give that mix you’re already making to other people, whether it’s online or not, you’re still in the same boat.


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