First of all, some kind of terror threat has been issued specifically for the building in which I work—the building from which I am posting this message. They added some barriers around the building… and handed out a security bulletin that tells us to keep our wallets safe. I suppose if there are terrorists, they’re going to be roaming the office, looking for wallets and purses to steal.
So my weekend was awesome. Sparing you, the reader, all the nicer details, I had dinner in New York City, caught Avenue Q on Broadway, had dessert at the wonderful Ellen’s Stardust Diner, went to a Yankees game, where they beat the Orioles 2 to 1 (but I wasn’t sure who I should be rooting for), had dessert again—this time at Cafe Lalo on the Upper West Side (a location featured in the critically-acclaimed You’ve Got Mail), watched every installment of Celebrity Jeopardy from Satuday Night Live, drove to Connecticut where I toured a little bit of New Haven, New London and Mystic (including the Custom House Maritime Museum), had the best lobster sandwich ever, and drove home via Queens. There were a bunch of movies thrown in there, as well.
I suppose it’s time to resume to regular life… although I will still keep trying to have more great weekends. I’m happy Barb and Melodie visited, and I hope we can make more plans soon.
This whole “making the most of life” thing is very important to me, especially if the Department of Homeland Security (errr… I mean terrorists) is coming after me in my workplace.