ABC is airing a movie based on one of my favorite childhood books, A Wrinkle In Time. I had always thought this series of three books (or four, if you count Many Waters which focused on minor characters) would make a wonderful movie trilogy. A Swiftly Tilting Planet, the third book in the series, is definitely my favorite.
So far, the movie is not much like the book, but that’s alright.
The question is…was it any good?
My friend Travis was reading a NEWSWEEK interview with Madeleine L’Engle.NEWSWEEK: So you?ve seen the movie?Madeleine L?Engle: I?ve glimpsed it.And did it meet expectations?Oh, yes. I expected it to be bad, and it is.The whole thing is here.
Oh man..I wanted to watch that… I would have if I wasn’t busy…surfing online…reading blogs about how bad it is…