Website Thoughts

Next week, I’ll be starting a new job which will put me in a situation where I’m interacting with curious, intelligent students. There is a slight possibility that someone, working really hard, can find this website armed only with my name. I’ve done a really good job at avoiding it, but a very resourceful person can still find a way. So, I’m considering stopping my online journal/blog. I’d really rather not, but I don’t want to take any chances. Becca suggested I protect the site with a password and give it out to people but I know there are people who won’t ask for the password and there are random passersby who won’t stop to be interested if they can’t read anything right away. Any suggestions?

It’s possible that I don’t need to worry about the blog/journal and that I should be more concerned about the baby and high school photos. If anyone has thoughts, I’d be glad to hear them.

4 thoughts on “Website Thoughts”

  1. I think what you’re doing now is probably fine, although you may just need to be more careful about your content. If your students do find it, they’ll just think it’s cool that they’re getting insight into their teacher. I don’t necessarily think that’s a bad thing, as long as you don’t have anything on here that’s inappropriate.

  2. I don’t think you need to quit your journal. If you feel your current content too risque for students, you could open shop at a new location–start that super-secret blog.

  3. well, I think I can give you some advice too, since have been an assistant director at a high school this year and just started my director job at an elementary school. keep blogging. keep in mind what you’re blogging. I’ve been trying not to use foul lanuage in my blog. As you might have seen, I don’t always succede. But unless you use a specific name of someone at school or post something horrific you should be alright, something about free speach and all. Students and other teachers have been to my website but I usually don’t mention the blog and I took advice from Stacey and BDouglas not to have a link from my main site to my blog. Congrats on the job!!!! Hope somewhere our roll-stepping kiddies will meet…


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