Hypothetic-oil Question

Here’s a hypothetical situation for all my reader-thinkers, especially those who read and don’t comment often or at all. As population continues to increase exponentially, so will demand for energy in the form of oil. However, suppose the world will hit its peak in oil production in 2015, and after that the supply can only diminish. Oil fuels everything we do on this planet, but is a non-renewable resource — once it’s gone, it’s gone. Any alternative energy source (which, by the way, there are none feasible at the moment) depends on oil to an extent, as well. What would you start doing differently in your life now?

4 thoughts on “Hypothetic-oil Question”

  1. In the last several months, I have been doing alot of research in the issue and many petro geologists and energy experts believe the peak is imminent; the New York Times reported a couple weeks ago that Saudi Arabia has likely plateaued. (See http://www.globalpublicmedia.com for interviews.)

    Anyway, I am looking to move this summer; we are looking for a home that is near mass transit, has able backyard for a garden, is near a car share service, and is in a community that would be willing to together.

    See http://www.copad.com for more information on oil peak.

  2. Maybe we should be looking thinking more along the lines ofa methane based economy, a resource which would be infinitely renewable as the population increased and which does not have the environmental drawbacks of petrochemicals when burned.


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