Don’t you? There is magic in this world, in even mundane things. I was packing up to leave my office to head out for the cold, dark, wet trip home. As I went to shut down my computer, XPN, which I listen to online, started playing Rufus Wainwright’s version of my favorite song of the last few months, Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah. It must have been magic. Now I have to go or else I’ll miss my train.
If you couldn’t find the magic in everyday life, life would be really boring.
And I love that song, though I only really know the Jeff Buckley version.
So it was a good day, despite having to work on a day that should have been a snow day!
Well, the day was okay, nothing too special. There’s more stuff I want to say about magic… maybe I’ll write about that on Friday.And the Rufus Wainwright version of Hallelujah can be found on the soundtrack to Shrek, I believe.
That song is one of my favorites no matter who the musician is singing it. Has Leonard Cohen ever done a version of that song? I’ve never heard it, nor could I ever find the music for it.
Leonard Cohen did do a version, but I don’t like his voice. The Rufus Wainwright version is my favorite. Here are the chords, to my ear. The C+/G# is an augmented C chord with a G# in the bass.
C C Am Am | C C Am Am | F F G G | C C G7 G7 |
C C F G | Am Am F F6 | G G C+/G# C+/G# | Am Am Am Am |
F F F F | Am Am Am Am | F F F F | C C G7 G7 |
C C G7 G7 |
(and repeat)