The grade I got for my law class was neither better nor worse than what I expected. I start a marketing management class tomorrow. This should be interesting.
Sugarmama makes an excellent case for investing while you’re still young. Excellent advice, well written. Take heed! I’m currently maxing out my Roth IRA, I’m contributing enough to my 401k to get my company to match what I put in, and I’m saving money besides. I avoid all service fees possible. I pay no interest charges. I still need to do much more. I’ll increase my 401k contribution, I’ll divert more to savings so I have less money to play with and waste, and some time this year I’ll find a way to use real estate to invest that I feel comfortable with.
More news: I put together a new photograph gallery and added some recently-scanned pictures from a hiking trip I took in 2001 and from high school.
Oooh, a Roth IRA. Very impressive. I need to look into those.