Classical Music Inspires Spending

Over-Spending at Restaurant: a Classical Problem?

I wasn’t sure which weblog this should go to, but in the end I decided to put it here. There’s been a study that shows people have a tendency of spending more on dining out when there is classical music playing in the background. The theory is that classical music is associated with the “high class,” and people have the need to fit in with their environment. Next time I go out, I’m going to pay more attention to this.

I will relate one story. I was eating at a TGI Friday’s or Bennigan’s or some other restaurant of that ilk, in the afternoon, and the bartender (at the empty bar) kept turning up the rock music so loud that people throughout were complaining. Our waiter explained to us, “It’s been a constant battle.” It kind of made me want to leave the restaurant without eating or paying, just because of how annoying it was. But I was hungry.

I’d like to go to a bar that blasts classical music. That might be fun.

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