Relying On Public Transportation

My bus never showed up this morning. It was supposed to arrive at about 7:13 am. I was there at 7:02. There were people waiting with me, but by 7:45, there was still no bus to be seen. At that point, I knew that if the bus showed up I wouldn’t make any train that I couldn’t make by waiting for the 8:30 bus. So I went home. Hopefully the 8:30 bus will show up. I called NJ Transit and they don’t know anything about any delays.

So… now I just sit at home and wait. I hate when I’m late to work and it’s not my fault.

I suppose one could say it is my fault for not being able to afford a car and thus needing to rely on public transportation. And I know who that one would be. But he’s a jerk (former boss).

4 thoughts on “Relying On Public Transportation”

  1. yeah but even if you have a car. to drive to work costs tons more $, and you’ve already paid to take the train. so i’m late all the time cause of stupid train delays. and i don’t touch my car. so i wouldn’t worry about it. people understand about transportation issues- although maybe not as much in nj…

  2. It’s HARDLY your fault if public transport is late (or worse, doesn’t show). I can’t imagine a boss thinking that was an appropriate criticism. Yes, if you were late regularly, he might with complete propriety suggest taking an earlier bus, but that’s it. I mean, can’t you get in trouble with HR over something like that? It’s got to be some form of transportation discrimination. Transportationist!

  3. The DART bus stops by my house every thirty minutes in the morning from 5:14 until 8:44. Then there’s not another bus until 10:20, because they figure that everyone is already at work. So if you have class at 9:30 and you miss that 8:44, you might as well miss class, or get yelled at for being late like I did. Tardiness or Absence. I mean, at least I tried, right?


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