As you may well know by now, today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. This was on the news this morning and on weblogs all over the world.
The hurricane was a “non-event” for me. A little rain, a lot of wind, but nothing much else. However, I’m one of the very few people who bothered to show up for work today.
Dreamhost still sucks, don’t believe the hype. Their webmail program is wonky again. Anyone have suggestions for a host better than Dreamhost? The problem is, most other hosts are much worse.
My mother wants me to meet her in Vegas over Thanksgiving. It sounds crazy to me, but I haven’t seen her in a few years, and it’s been even longer since I’ve seen my aunt, uncle, and cousins who will also be out there.
In a future time, children will work together to build a giant cyborg.
I’m seeing A Mighty Wind (the folk bands, not the movie) tonight in Philly with Denise and M-D. That should be fun.
I went to work but was sent home. There’s no power there. And going to Vegas is going to be a blast, trust me. There’s a commercial for the Blue Man Group on right now. See, it’s fate.
I love love LOVE for individual hosting, but am using Kualo now, because I’m doing a reseller thing with a few others.