Update Filling a Much-Needed Void

Many things have been up lately. As you may have gleaned, I am starting my Master of Business Administration studies in a little over a week. It is a two year program, with six-week-long courses taken one at a time. I’m excited about this for several reasons. First of all, being in the business world now, it would be nice to understand some of the fundamentals better. Second of all, I would like to some day run an arts organization of some sort. Why not just get an arts administration masters degree? Well, there are a few reasons. First of all, they are not offered online. The degree at the University of Phoenix will allow me to work full time and attend school full time, on my own schedule. Additionally, a general MBA will not tie me down to arts in case I change my mind in the future.

So this is one aspect of my life that will be a major change.

Controlling Parent?

A mother is dissatisfied with her 22-year-old daughter’s taste in men. Sound familiar? It looks pretty typical. That happens everywhere across the world. However in this case, the mother, inspired by “reality” television shows, is now taking applications from her daughter’s potential suitors, and advertising the fact on their lawn and in the newspaper. On top of that, the successful applicant and the daughter will enjoy a romantic night at a Cape Cod motel on the mother’s dime.

Dark North East

Major power outage today. They say the Niagara-Mohawk power grid is out. Luckilly a coworker was gracious enough to offer me a ride home. FBI is already saying that the blackout was not related to terrorism. If it were, they would have known about it ahead of time.