
Why, oh, why does our unillustrious, comparable, imitable president of our fair nation act like such a moron? He can’t really be that stupid, even though he is the only living person who could fall off a Segway. Bush’s response to Iraq attacks: “Bring them on!” It’s lunacy, I tell you. Let’s just invite more violence, because that’s clearly the solution to the problems in this world. It’s sad that the Democrats have no one who will be able to come close to challenging him in the next presidential election in this country. It’s sad that political parties exist in the first place.

As They Go By

My boss’s boss has a daughter named Penelope. The past two years, she has come to the St. Patrick’s Day reception to sing alongside Ronan Tynan, one of the three “Irish Tenors.” Penelope, who turned 16 this year, doesn’t exactly have a great voice. She’s alright… but nothing special (and not normaly in tune).

Well it turns out that she put together a demo CD at a studio in NY with some pretty well-known studio engineers, and she doesn’t sound half bad on the CD.

The music, which she wrote (with some help), is kind of poppy-folky. It’s kind of boring. Her voice doesn’t really take me anywhere. She isn’t into it enough.

I guess with all their money, it’s still possible she’ll end up with some kind of recording contract somewhere and then maybe she’ll get better.