Life Update

Last week I interviewed for a part-time teaching position as a percussion “caption head” for a marching band at a school along the Northeast Corridor train line. It went very well, except for the percussion part of it. I should have known better than to interview for something with which I have little experience, but I’m glad I did anyway. Almost needless to say, I wasn’t awarded the position.

I’m moving to a new apartment at the end of the week. It will be the first time since 1999 I will be living sans roommate. This weekend I packed most of my belongings except for what I need over the next few days. That’s all I’ll say about that for now.

My mother is still trying to convince me to move to the west coast area. She thinks the Las Vegas area would be pefect; it’s growing and supposedly there are lots of jobs and a reasonable cost of living.

A few weeks ago, after eating dinner with my father and his girlfriend (not sure what to call her really, “girlfriend” sounds too immature and “lover” just sounds…. uhhh), Denise asked me if I resented him. Now that he’s together with A. and her kids, they have done a large amount of traveling all over the world. They have gone both with and without the kids to Italy, eastern Europe, western Europe, and on cruises. Right now, they are on a cruise to Alaska. My parents never did anything like this with each other or with me and my brother; our extent of travel was a one-week spring break drive to Florida to visit relatives. And as kids stuck with each other in the car, the trip was mostly unenjoyable. Sometimes I want to just tell him, “It’s not fair!” I want to go on lots of wonderful trips.

9 thoughts on “Life Update”

  1. If you think that the “girlfriend”/”lover” decision is awkward then I can only forwarn you of a more terrible future dilemma.
    The point when he wants you to call her “mom” and you think, “I’ve already got a mom, I’ll just call her Kim… but that seems rude.”

    The solution I’ve arrived at is to just call her “Hey.”

  2. Well they are never getting married, and I can’t see any reason why he will never want me to call her mom. She’s not my mother. She had nothing to do with neither my upbringing nor my conception. She’s just the woman my father is living with and sharing his life with.

  3. Well my dad has never come out and said, “Call her mom.” But he does say things like, “Mom and I were at your grandparents the other day.” and I think, “No, Kim and you were there the other day. You and ‘Mom’ are divorced.” My dad is very out of touch with life…

  4. Your mom wants you to move to Vegas? She is aware that it’s in the freaking armpit of the desert, right? 115 degrees. That’s how hot it was the day my sister’s AC broke. Just think about that for a minute.

    She is right about the growth and the low cost of living. But. Vegas? VEGAS?

    If you are considering it semi-seriously, let me hook you up with my sister who lives there & can tell you all about it.

  5. The town surrounding Vegas are not like the strip at all. I wasn’t talking about living on the strip. That would be crazy. Check out Henderson, NV.


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