My Plan What I Have

Here is my financial plan for the rest of the year:

· Decrease my 401(k) contribution from 20% of my salary to 4% of my salary (the maximum my employer will match, dollar for dollar).
· Stop investing $100 each month in a loaded mutual fund at Wachovia because the sales charge eats up any return I might achieve.
· Instead, invest $100 each month in a no-load, no-fee index fund at TIAA-CREF.
· Lower my federal tax withholding exemptions in anticipation of a higher tax due to my reduction of 401(k) contributions.
· After deciding on a new apartment, re-evaluate my budget and make changes to the $300 I automatically save each pay period for a car, which when I buy, I will buy in cash. Once I have enough for a car and insurance, start saving for a downpayment on a house (someday) and for my future kids’ education. And my own travel. And other stuff.
· Open a Roth IRA at ScotTrade and invest in another no-load, no-fee fund. Try to manage to max this out every year.
· Get a new job that pays more and put any extra money into the 401(k).

That’s the plan. We’ll see what really happens.

Video Hits Lost

VH1 posted their full list of Greatest Songs from the past twenty-five years. Is this really the best of what popular music has to offer? How incredibly sad.

Unrelatedly, I hate it when coworkers point out that I’m losing my hair. Someone said to me today, “Did you know your hair’s thinning out? What’s going on there? Is your father bald?”

Word Is Out of the Cat’s Bag

As most people close to me now know, I will be in Dallas this coming Saturday through Tuesday. Denise and I are taking a mini-vacation chiefly with the intent of helping Becca situate in her new apartment. Maybe I’ll see you there, if you happen to be in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, too.