Why Do We Live In This World

RED LION, Pennsylvania
A 14-year-old student shot and fatally wounded his principal before killing himself in front of students in the school cafeteria, police and school officials said Thursday.

Every time I see something like this, especially one that’s close to me or people I know, I second-guess what I’m getting myself into. How can I, as a teacher or principal at some point in the future, ensure that no kid will ever come after me with a gun? It’s scary.

3 thoughts on “Why Do We Live In This World”

  1. That’s much nicer than what I was going to say, which was: you can’t. But then, nothing in life is safe. You could be hit by a car, or shot by someone who wasn’t a student, just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I don’t think a few shooting incidents are a good enough reason not to do what you feel called to do.


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