My lower third left molar (“wisdom”) tooth (#17) has been bothering me all day. Just thinking about getting my wisdom teeth removed is racking my nerves. I’ve learned there’s no reason to have them out unless the teeth are damaging surrounding teeth or causing pain, and I’ve managed to get by without any pain until now. But today, just the one tooth is bothering me. Time to make an appointment with the dentist.
Maybe it’s just my gum that’s bothering me. I can’t tell.
I had mine out a year and change ago, and the pain of having them in came out of nowhere. My jaw was killing me from the pressure of the teeth. It was a severe pain in the butt…er, mouth, but it had to be done.
I’m sorry that it is bugging you. Sometimes even if your wisdom teeth *don’t* hurt, they tell you to have them out anyway — mine were wanting to come in sideways, so they yanked ’em because it was potentially dangerous for my other teeth.
Overall, wisdom teeth are no fun. Good luck!
Just a forewarning… they won’t just remove the one that’s hurting. They’ll remove all four of them.
I had one that was a bit wonky, and the dentist said, “It should come out so it doesn’t ruin your teeth.” Said I, “Can I keep the rest since they’re all in and I have no problems.” Said he, “Sorry, procedure requires all of them out.” Suck.
Sure. They’ll remove all four if you *have* four. But some people, who are more highly evolved, only have two. 🙂
I guess I know how I’ll be using some of my vacation days this year…
I’m a freak – I only have three wisdom teeth. If I never have them pulled, and given a few hundred years, my right upper wisdom tooth could puncture my lower jaw.
Although I’ll probably have mine out this summer…
I had three wisdom teeth, and getting them out was a breeze. I was eating solids the next day.
I had three wisdom teeth, and getting them out was a breeze. I was eating solids the next day.
I had the same experience, Barb. Some people get lucky and have wisdom teeth that need to come out but that aren’t all that impacted. When that happens, it’s real easy.
M-D, from what you said, I’m imagining the simulation of Lisa Simpson without braces. Hee hee. 🙂
Okay, so I have one wisdom tooth on the top, and 2 on the bottom, but I had another bottom molar knocked out while in high school… So where does that leave me? Nothing hurts or anything… There was a little shifting in the first year or so after my tooth was knocked out, but nothing crazy like teeth puncturing anything else…Did anyone else have the problem of wisdom teeth randomly partially coming up and then disappearing again?
Lisa needs braces…