I’m not sure what my problem is. I think I need to read and write more often. Looking back on what I’ve written on this site, I’ve seen the quality descend ever lower. I seem to have less of a command on the English language than I’ve ever had. Klunky grammar abouds everywhere. Maybe I’m just getting too lazy.
It’s funny you should say that. I was just looking through my archives the other day and noticed that I, too, used to write much longer, much more interesting entries. Now, in my case, I think it’s because I used to work a boring desk job that I hated that basically afforded me lots of time to do nothing but surf around the web and find things to comment on/post about. But it seems to be something of a trend, I guess. 🙂
BTW – in relation to the post above, your comments take forever to re-load the window after posting a comment. Or is that just me?
It’s slow to load comments mostly due to Movable Type. In all fairness, that’s not a Dreamhost issue.
Yeah, but it’s fun to blame them. 🙂