Dreamhost Ultimatum

Alright, Dreamhost. I’ve had enough. Here is my ultimatum. You have until March 1 to get things right. Every time I cannot access email via the webmail interface (once within a thirty minute window) and it’s clearly your fault, you get 5 ass-points. Any site outages for more than five minutes, you get 3 ass-points per minute. Every time my MySQL server is needlessly unavailable you get 5 ass-points (only once every half hour, like webmail). Every time you change default site settings without warning users ahead of time (such as changing home directories), you get 10 ass-points. If you rack up 200 ass-points by March 1, I will take my $(hundreds)/year business elsewhere.

Warm fuzzies to anyone who caught the WWIV reference.


2 thoughts on “Dreamhost Ultimatum”

  1. WWIV system operators could assign “ass_pts” to their BBS users who piss them off… the thought being that they will be restricted to more BBS features with the higher “ass_pts” count.


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