Inspired by a sentence written by Sarah B. here is a task for you. Sum up your Thanksgiving (or Hanukkah or whatever else you want) in ten words. Here is mine: Bond (James Bond), get flashed twice [link may not be “safe for work”], turkey, brisket, and latkes.
Add yours here if you haven’t already!
I guess I should have known better than to follow the “flashed twice” link while I was at work (in a school), but I wasn’t smart enough to figure that one out. Doh.
Where are your ten words?
Oh, sorry. I got distracted by the flashing. 🙂
freedom (from work), family, fooooood, friends, Christmas music time, sleep
Five family food fest, visitors/parties aplenty, Hillbilly Hall (Hopewell).
Food, family, quiet house, Bond, loud music, cleaning, bad tv.
Eh. Whatever. Dog. Driving. Load-in. Sound check. Music. Strike. Sleep.
Seven days, Christmas decorations, family, food, homework, Bond, Spike, Hanukkah.