I have a feeling I’m going to have a busy week ahead of me at work. If only I could get more pleasure out of being an administrative assistant. I don’t feel like I’m going anywhere…
Anyway, I don’t understand the way my alma mater works. When I graduated with a degree in music education, after student teaching, they really didn’t point me (or the other music ed graduates) in the direction towards certification. Maybe they just forgot. And since then, it’s been a bit of a farce trying to get it. I took the PRAXIS exam over a year ago, and got a great score. After turning down one job and being turned down for another last year, the district that was supposed to put through my certification forms for me didn’t. I requested the forms from the county a few months ago and still haven’t received anything.
Finally I spoke to someone on the phone today and hopefully there won’t be any more delays. My plan is to teach instrumental music in a high school, gain some experience, get a Master’s degree for educational administration, become a district supervisor of music somewhere, and at some point, become a principal. I think that’s where my interests are most suited… at the moment, anyway.
I definately think that you need to be teaching high school marching. I’m not sure yet if I agree with your decision about becoming an administrator. Obviously, it’s your decision, but there’s a lot of politics involved in administration and I’m not sure that it’s something that you will want to deal with. Either way, it’s good that you are doing what you need to do to at least get yourself in the direction you want to be in.
There’s a lot of politics involved in teaching, too. Education in general has a lot of politics involved in it, a lot like almost any other industry. But you don’t avoid it by not being a part of the administration.
There’s definately politics in most jobs out there, it’s very hard to avoid. I’m just saying that the higher up in position Spike goes, the more politics will be involved. Personally speaking, I think his heart is more involved in the music and the kids then it will be in the politics of running a school but I could very well be wrong. But as I said, I think the most important thing is that he’s once again following his dreams and getting himself back on track. It’s a far cry from where he was a year ago and I’m very happy and proud of him.
Yep. To all of it.
Yay Spike!