A year ago I was thinking about war, on my way out of a job, getting myself into all sorts of trouble, and apparently generating lots of comments on this site.
Two years ago I was in the midst of working hard, partying just as hard, and missing They Might Be Giants concerts.
Three years ago I was getting over hang-ups I had growing up in New Jersey and loving my job.
Four years ago I was finishing up my student teaching, not quite ready to head out into the world. It was a rough semester. I was living alone in Delaware, working hard, and hardly talking with my girlfriend. We had a few months that fall we didn’t talk at all, except for what was necessary for her position as the University of Delaware Marching Band manager and mine as the band’s woodwinds music coordinator. It’s amazing for me to think about now. Four years ago I was student-teaching in a middle school, being an assitant band director at a high school, teaching a little at the University, running several websites, and volunteering with a drum and bugle corps.
It’s always good to look back, it’s better to look to the future, and yet even better to look at today because we don’t know if we’ll have a tomorrow.