I promise to get these on my own server at some point, but for now, go to Snapfish and use this information if you don’t have an account:
User name: junk[at]fiveandtwenty.com
Password: junkjunk
See pictures from Les Miserables and Jen’s birthday.
UPDATE: I’ve moved the photos from Snapfish onto my server. Links are on the sidebar on the right side of this page.
For the record, I wasn’t bored, I was tired. I had very little sleep last week. Also, Melodie had carrot cake, you and Barb had the ice cream. 😛
We had brownie sundaes. Mmm. And yes, Denise was tired, not bored. I hope, anyway.
She was tired, but it was more amusing if I captioned her as “bored.” Well, that was the (possibly misguided) thought, anyway.
I’ll let you slide on this time.
sometimes I am amazed with my whiteness.